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In 2010 when Ricky Martin came out as a gay, he marked a shift in acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community among Latinos in the mainstream media. 'Love, Victor': Here Are All the Ways to Stream Season 3 for FreeĢ0 Questions with 070 Shake: On Her New Album, The Butterfly Effect & Making Music to Feel 'Infinite'īeing openly queer can be met with a lot of resistance, though. How Perfume Genius Learned to Wield What Makes Him Different as 'A Source of Power'

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It’s all about having the freedom to be yourself, to do what you want, to embrace who you are, and not be afraid or scared or embarrassed of anything because that’s just us.” Among the biggest Latin acts in the world right now are Anitta, Kali Uchis, María Becerra and Tokischa, who proudly represent for the LGBTQ+ community.Ībout the connection she shares with her LGBTQ+ fans, Anitta tells Billboard, “I think they are so lovely and supportive and at the same time, it’s like a big family.

More than a decade since Ricky Martin kicked down the closet door, many artists in Latin music have openly expressed their queer identities in their songs while concurrently owning the charts.

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